Soul-fullness 2022 New You Challenge (in partnership with Kim Pagano Show)

Kim PaganoSoul fullness 2022



This D-I-Y 21-Day program will help you "download" the New You - a better version of yourself - you have always dreamed of. Thousands of people have used the same program to meet their partners, experienced spiritual healing, see their own future, rebuild their destiny, build a new career, become more creative, and enter into greater peace, love and happiness.

Facilitated by Tosin King James, author of Soul-Fullness, and Kim Pagano, producer-presenter of Kim Pagano Show, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of a program that will transform your life. Register now and participate for FREE.



Registration: January 14th to Feb 4th

Introductory Zoom Session: Feb 5th

D-I-Y Program begins: Feb 6th

Interactions with Facilitators via email and phone: Feb 6th - 26th

Taking Stock Zoom Session: Feb 28th

(Other details will be given as the program progresses)

The Store

> Soul-Fullness
> Available as:
> Hardcover
> Paperback
> Ebook
> Audio book